Friday, 2 November 2012

Eat Your Fats!

And no I don’t mean go stuff your face with cheesecake (as I’m resisting right now since there’s leftover cheesecake downstairs from my mother in law’s birthday). I mean the good fats, and yes there is such a thing!

So throughout my entire life I've had horribly itchy skin.  I can't even count the times that a family member or a friend has said "STOP ITCHING SARA!" Then I would shamefully pull down my pant leg and pray the itching would go away. Many years later I think it's safe to say that I won't have to hear those horrible three words ever again. The cure? Essential Fatty Acids. Say bye bye to your shiny Vaseline slathered faces and say hello to soft, creamy skin :)

I had developed eczema on my right hand a couple of years ago and kept it fairly under control with some random itching here and there. When I came to Toronto it completely flared up for a year straight and spread from my middle finger onto my ring and pinky fingers and onto my hand and palm. I panicked, and after many failed attempts to fix the issue I booked a blood cell analysis with a holistic practitioner who recommended this:

I highly recommend this brand. Udo Erasmus is a pioneer of essential fatty acids and has developed an extremely stable, effective product. Can be found in the refrigerated section of most health food stores.

I am not even exaggerating at all when I tell you that within less than a week of taking this my eczema completely disappeared and my hand was 100% normal and clear...and has been for the past two months! I haven't even needed to moisturize after showering, which was usually mandatory in the cold months.

Along with having amazing benefits for the skin, essential fatty acids (this includes fish oil, flax oil, etc):
-Can decrease arterial plaque build up
-Regulates blood pressure
-Lubricates joints
-Ensures proper brain function
-Promotes healthy skin!

Remember, fish oil is omega 3 and while it has some amazing benefits as well, sometimes it is a good idea to take the omega 3, 6, 9 blend in that it is a little more stable and less prone to oxygen and light damage than isolated omega 3. I tried to fix my eczema with fish oil and unfortunately I needed all three omegas to fully see results. Everyone is different and I can't say that this was cure everyone's eczema, but I would really recommend giving it a shot!

And I just have to clear up one thing before I go otherwise I will never be able to live with myself: 
NEVER EVER EVER buy cheap, low quality oils (think drugstore).  Always buy the highest quality oils from healthfood stores.  
What people don’t know is that the fish and flax oil they buy at the drugstore can actually be extremely dangerous to your health. Think about an apple. As soon as you cut an apple, oxygen hits the flesh and it starts turning brown right? Well think about oil in the same way- as soon as the oil is extracted from its source, oxygen, heat and light can all contribute to it “browning.” But in the case of oil, this can turn the oil from a healthy supplement into a potent free radical (free-radical, think cancer causing). Low quality, cheap oils (usually sourced from fish exposed to polluted water) oxidize very quickly since they are usually mass produced and in the process of manufacturing they are exposed to air, light and heat. Combine this with fillers, additives and other chemicals, and you have yourself a toxic substance instead of an amazingly healthy oil. Trust me, investing in a good quality fish oil is truly an investment for your health.
(also try to buy all your supplements from health food stores, a lot more love and care and most importantly quality goes into those products. Don't poison yourself with cheap product)

If you have itchy, flaky skin I recommend taking an essential fatty acid supplement such as the one depicted above. Your skin is usually the last organ to receive nutrients, so if it's dry and flaky this is not normal and is a sign that there is something missing. So prepare yourself a few months ahead of time to ensure a comfortable winter season :) 

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